Thursday, August 13, 2009

By Land and By Sea…

It all started with a casual conversation with Jeff Long, the director of K.I.M. It went something like this; “Monday we’ve got a truckload of supplies headed down to Mindanao. It is a 3 day drive through beautiful countryside…”
“Really? 3 days through the Philippines?”
A nod.
“Is there any way I can get involved with that?”
Another nod.
“Alright, sign me up.”
58 hours, three major Islands, over 1,700 Kilometers, two ferry rides—all nonstop—altogether amounts to the road trip of a lifetime.

Jun, Jesse and myself just spent 58 hours traveling from Manila to Malaybalay city. We transported a truckload of supplies from the YunJin Ministry center in Manila to the Children’s home in Malaybalay. We got off to a slow start Monday night, but once the alternator was fixed (it powers the lights) there was no looking back. We then spent the next three days venturing through beautiful countryside. Winding through village after village, jungle after jungle, I experienced the Philippines first hand. We only stopped a few times to eat in make shift restaurants, which were really people serving and selling food out of their homes. We would eat our “sinigal” or “adobo” with a plate of rice and a glass of coca-cola while we left the truck running. Besides that we did stop one morning to take a shower, or more like paid a woman to use her hose and bucket. However, amidst the mad-dash there were some enjoyable moments of pause. One night on our second ferry I stood on the top deck against the railing admiring a partly cloudy sky, bright stars, lightning in the distance and I remember thinking to myself “do you realize where you are?”—moments were all you can do is stand in awe (ps. 46:10).

I miss you all dearly and look forward to seeing you. I will stay in Mindanao for another week helping with construction at the Children’s home, as well as strive to live out life with my recently found brothers and sisters here in Malaybalay. Pray for your brothers and sisters here. And, selfishly I ask, that I would finish the remaining 3 weeks strong.


  1. beautiful story man. talk about you often & pray for you as well brother. tell all the mafia hi from us & make sure that they know we think of them often! can't wait to see you man, i WILL be praying for you to finish strong kuya joe!!!

  2. Crazy Joe! Man those trips into the provincial areas and out into different islands are so fun and interesting! So funny hearing about the hose shower and home cooking food you pay for along the way - brings back so many memories for me! I am so glad you are getting these experiences and will definitely be praying that you finish strong.

  3. thats one awesome trip Joe, I cant wait to hear more when you get back about your time there. I too will definitely be praying for these last three weeks. we miss you tons. I hope your health is back to normal. Continue as Paul says,"for though I am free from all, i have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them...all for the sake of the gospel" 1cor. 9:19-24 blessings!

  4. proud of you! tell my fllow pinoy mafioso that I pray that they would find true happiness in holiness. Tell Jeff I said hello as well.

    you are a joy to our hearts here in norco.

  5. awesome! loved hearing of the adventure! Praying for you and knowing God will work in your to will and act according to His purposes.
