5 pm came around without a hitch. A full days work completed. Showered up, ate dinner, and then time for devotions at the Kids home. We all gathered in the same upstairs living room as many times before. 7pm on the dot, devotions seem to be the only thing not running on Filipino time. We all sat on the floor as the nights before, but tonight we did something a little different. The children shared what experiences they remembered before coming to Kids International Ministries. They each shared in their own words stories of sleeping outside of police stations, being abandoned after parents go completely broke, living in abandoned cars, begging on the street, and siblings watching out for each other from abusive parents. It was another striking reminder of where I am. We then discussed the Word that was in the beginning, and that was with God and was God. It has been a little difficult trying to gauge where the children are, but after some trail runs I think I've found a good level; much deeper than bible stories. We finished, then ended the night with readings from the Jungle book as the little boys huddled around and stayed quiet for 15 minutes. That's usually how the night goes; the Deity of Christ at 7 and the Jungle book before bed.