Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day # 3

Hi Family, This is the first time I've ever blogged.(is that a real word?) I can't express the joy I feel just being here in Manila. The living facilities are very American and they are feeding us unbelievable food. Monday nights dinner was Chicken Marsalle (Spelling?) and last night it was Tacos. AMAZING!!! And for breakfast it's what we eat at home only better 'cause we don't have to cook it. (LOL) and Oh My Gosh the Fresh Fruit. Yummy, yummy, says my tummy!. But we really need the great food because it's very hot and humid and we have hard work to do daily. It's amazing to see our team in action. They all work together so well it appears they've been a team for years. They are very protective of me so I don't have to do the heavy stuff but I am in the middle of every thing as much as I can be and I get the joy of manning (or would that be grandma'ing) the cameras to try to catch all the action and re-actions. Thank you all for sending me and thank you all for all your prayers. We feel your love and are sending back.
Praise the Lord for all our blessings, Sidney


  1. oh gram. how i love you! i am praying for you guys. i admire your obedience in going to all the world. i bet you are blessing the children so much and i know you are blessing your team with your sweet smile and loving kisses (that i miss) i cant wait to hear about your trip! i love you and miss you terribly!

    Love, Sami

  2. Hey There!!!!

    YOu guys are doing great! Cannot wait to see you.

  3. Hey Mother, you sound great. I am so happy that you are there. I know that God is blessing all of you in your endevors. Tell everyone we send our love and prayers.


    Carrie, John, Matt, Adrienne & Danniella

  4. Love hearing from you!! So very excited for all that you are doing!!! I am blessed today to see your servant's attitude...
    Much love,
